Anger Class Online

Anger Management for Court, Business & Personal

The AJ Novick Group, Inc. presents comprehensive, completely online anger management classes that can be taken from any location. This course is ideal for court requirements, businesses, probation departments, human resources, law offices, diversion programs, families, couples and individuals and for self growth.

Domestic Violence Class

Online Domestic Violence and Batterer Intervention Classes™, brought to you by AJ Novick Group, Inc., is your resource for completing a domestic violence class or batterers intervention program (DV or BIP class) due to a court order or legal requirement.

Online Parent Classes

Court Accepted Online Parenting and Co-Parenting Classes

Welcome to the world's most comprehensive, nationally accepted and completely online parenting class. If you need to take a parenting or co-parenting class, Online Parent Class is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from any Internet based computer!
